Monday, November 12, 2007

Crazy daz!

Man, I know I began writing this as a way to keep track of what we are up to but today it will become therapy.

Dom is still down from his back surgery so he is really not very helpful as far as things that need to be done around the house. He is suppose to be resting and recovering...there is always so much to do here. Today the yard needs to be mowed, and the laundry never ends. I usually say, ok today we need to do X and I need your help. They help or they don't. I am grateful for any help I can get! Lately I have been trying to get them outside so there is not so much mess in the house! This has worked fairly well until today! Niki needs a cartoon fix but I have a ton of choirs to do while the boys take a nap, I just want her to go outside! Plus, the computer crashed last night and I haven't figured out what pictures I hadn't backed up yet...there maybe a months worth missing that I will not be able to replace. I have got to get all the pictures on the web so this won't happen again!

I know my life is great. I have a wonderful family whom I love more than I ever thought I could love anyone. Sometimes there is just so much demand, even though we have scaled back our activities and tried to live a more simple life together. I am @ times overwhelmed, and @ the same time, I feel guilty about feeling that way. Sounds weird huh?

Oh well, off to try to get something accomplished!

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