lil' sis (aka: Aunt Jessie, aka: Jessie Poo-Poo Head!) had her physical for the police academy entrance process this morning. Of course she passed with flying colors and has moved on to the next stage of the process. There will be a
psychological review and credit check and if all goes well, no doubt it will, she will begin the academy in March. Yeah!
Jess was describing how the day progressed to me and when she got to the end of the story, I was amazed @ how many people she said actually showed up to the physical unprepared. By unprepared I mean, people obviously did not "test" themselves and assumed they would pass the physical
requirements without any practice.
I know I ramble often, but see if you can follow me here. Sometimes when I am reading others writings, I am
conscience about how lackluster some of my posts are and possibly, how riddled with errors my writing is. Like I said in the beginning, this is kind of a diary for my family. I am not concerned with how impressed or unimpressed anyone is with my writing. After all I didn't attend high school, so I am far from being any kind of a writing expert. I mean, in order to be an
expert doesn't one need to practice, or @ least posses a
passion? So, if one has a passion to become an expert police officer, one must practice? Why would these police officer applicants show up to the physical unprepared, unpracticed, without passion? I certainly do not want police officers watching over me without passion, even if security is only an illusion. We grant police officers powers beyond the realm of regular citizens and with that comes an immense responsibility and I hope anyone even contemplating applying for a position with such responsibilities would take every detail seriously.
This led me to another thought, must one be an expert if one has a passion? I think if one truly has a passion, one would inevitably become an expert. We cannot all be experts from the beginning stages of all our
endeavours. Should we all become experts @ one thing or another? I would hope as living, breathing humans we are all passionate about something and therefore by default be experts in our passions.
I have no passion for grammar, but I adore my family. I hope that by providing my view of our daily lives in this blog, our family will
appreciate it later and
perhaps learn from it. Maybe my kids will read this and say, "My mom's grammar is atrocious!" and be inspired to learn to write more effectively than I. While I am practicing my grammar skills and learning more about our language and reading more to improve my lacking vocabulary, I hope my family will continue to hear my voice in their heads as they read these mundane words to themselves and smile.
No doubt my sisters' passion has already inspired others in our family and will lead her on a journey she will not regret taking the first step of. Congratulations Jess.