Sunday, January 27, 2008

Deeply and importantly talented

or maybe more like amusingly and superficially talented. Our family does a little bit of everything and this weekend is a clear demonstration of our family doing a little bit of everything. I submit, we are amusingly and superficially talented and I think we like it that way!
The girls played XBox 360-the game is Ghost Recon, the new one, whatever it is numbered. Dom taught them how to work the controls and Mady and Niki are truly having a blast, pun intended.

I know in the boys baby books there was a sticker for "Ate with a spoon!" Everything in our house is a finger food to them, that is until now. They are using utensils now. Why just tonight when we were enjoying our Pomegranate tea, Ezra used his fork! Luke did use his spoon though and once we managed to pry the fork from Ezra's cute little hand, he was happy to use a spoon as well.

My sister and dad built supports for the 4 walls of the future east Texas cabin. Soon after watching the supports being built we watched Mady drive Niki, Luke, and Ezra around on the mower. It was a warm day and I am so thankful we were able to be outside. Our family loves to be outdoors, so being inside on any day is not as fun as being outside.

We also made it to watch the band play this weekend. This was the first time the boys have gone. Ezra examined every move Bill made while he was singing and playing his guitar. Luke seemed slightly overwhelmed but by the end of the night he was running around and dancing.

Mady and I went to hang out @ the bookstore this Saturday for a bit. She found a computer game in which you take care of horses in a stable and we bought a book with some nice illustrations of various animals.
We bought the board game BLOKUS @ a local comic book store. I have only played this game with Mady one time so far but she loves it and best of all Niki is able to play it too. The rules are easy to understand and the pieces are all kinds of neat shapes so it is fun for exploring with. It is a fun strategy game to aid in logic and reasoning. We also found these fun websites this week for mathy stuff. If anyone else has any math suggestions or ideas please pass them on. Math is one of my biggest concerns for Mady. She has struggled with it in PS so I want to make sure she is well prepared.
This week we are going to the Fort Worth Livestock Show and Rodeo and I think we may travel a couple hours north to visit a cotton farm!

1 comment:

KMDuff said...

What do you want her to be well prepared for? She will learn what she needs to know when she needs to know it as long as she isn't afraid of learning it. I know you have other concerns and issues there to consider, just remember that she is really smart and just because PS didn't know how to teach her correctly doesn't mean she isn't completely capable of succeeding at it. Just keep your concerns quiet and make sure to note or write down when she's doing well. Let her know you have faith in her to succeed and she'll be more secure in her own autodidactical abilities. Hugs!

Glad you liked blokus and set!