Monday, February 11, 2008

One thing leads to another

Mady and Niki and I talked about utopias today. We each have our own elaborate list of products, entities, and goals to incorporate in our own personally designed utopias. We had fun making the lists while the boys were napping. Niki wanted to watch Spongebob and said we could talk more about our perfect worlds tomorrow. I thought we would continue to talk about utopias for awhile. I thought after the Gesundheit Institute research and chatting we could make our own models. Mady enjoys playing on Webkinz and Club Penguin so much that designing her own world may sound appealing to her. I thought it may stretch her imagination.

Truth be told, I have enjoyed the utopia books I have read. The whole utopia/dystopia ideal is appealing to me. For anyone that knows me now, I don't think it will be a shock to read my own utopia would consist of all my family on a huge ranch with everything we need to be self sustaining. I enjoy exploring the world outside with my family but when it comes down to it, how many people can you really be close to? How much of what society, the media, the government pushes do we honestly need? Haven't we taken more from the earth than we truly NEED? All this talk about immunizations, lead, mercury, global warming, phthalates, everything around us is poisonious, WE did this. The world is overpopulated and everyone wants to save everyone else. While all the recent deaths resulting from raging cyclones and blinding snow storms are saddening these events are natural. We have no control over them. Global warming maybe natural too. No doubt the human population is contributing to the rapid rate of the melting ice caps, but wouldn't this happen if we weren't here anyway? Experts, you know how I feel about experts, say we cannot return to an agrarian society. It seems to me our planet may not survive if we don't return to a more pure state that closely resembles an agrarian society.

Mady and I are currently planning our garden for the upcoming season. Last year maybe we were lucky with our awesome crop of squash, tomatoes, basil, rosemary, and lavender. It was inspiring to see how much our little garden yeilded, and with such little effort. I so enjoyed playing in the dirt. So here is the list so far.

lavender, basil, rosemary, lemon grass, potatoes, tomatoes, rhubarb, strawberries, some kind of peppers, squash, carrots, peas, green beans, and we have a lemon tree and 3 apple trees bc that is a good number for a small area and pollination. After typing this list it appears I maybe a little ambitious. I will try not to over plant, and if I do, we have neighbors that I am sure will be more than willing to help us eat them. We are getting some more rabbits to aid us in developing healthy, well fertilized soil too! I will post some pix soon of our growing farm. Yes, we have a tiny house, but we are having fun while we live and learn. Oh, pix of the east Texas property coming soon. We are planning a trip @ the end of the month.

One thing leads to another...


Tanya Breese said...

Your utopia and mine would be exactly the same! How awesome that would be!
I'm getting ready to start my garden too. I'm doing an herb garden this year, always wanted to, but never put it into action. So I've got my area scoped out, just need to get it ready. I may do that today, it rained overnight so the ground should be soft!

Mel said...

Cool. What are you going to plant in your Georgia herb garden? What are you planning on using your herbs for? Cooking, tea, incense?

KMDuff said...

Gardening... So exciting to plan right now. :) We are doing that too.

Mel said...

It is fun too plan. I know Sarah said her carrots were already coming up outside. How fun for the kids! It is hard to gauge here in TX I everywhere, but typically there is a freeze in late February. Our county extension office recommends planting outside in March! I can't wait to get started! We will see how much I get planted this year. We are planning on growing from seeds too.