Well, what do you think, are friends electric? My camera has yet to drive itself to Best Buy to be shipped back to Sony so I suppose electronics are still inanimate objects not friends. It appears as though all the vacation pix will have to be scanned in unless I convince Dom to buy me that new camera now instead of with Economy Stimulus package...what would it take to get that new camera now?
We have the laptop back up and running and thanks to a friend of ours we have an older, but very respectable, cpu hooked up to the new flatscreen! Do you have this @ your house? Have you surfed the internet on a BIG screen? Insane isn't it? Mady walked in from a play (named Lipstick put on by the local High School) and I had the internet up on both the laptop and the TV in our bedroom so Niki and I could play, and Mady nearly fell over.
Then I was thinking about all the technology we all carry around with us or use everyday. So here is a technological break down of a typical day @ the Ortiz house.
Wake up, use remote to open shades, log onto the WWW. Check in with our friends using IMing & text messages to see what we are doing for the day. Load up the car with cell phones, movies for the in car DVD, Nintendo DS, and iPods and possibly the laptop depending on what we are going to do that day. Strap in to our personally programmed seats and turn on the GPS to direct us on our days' adventure. Arrive to hang out & play with our friends and take tons of pix with our awesome cameras or cell phones. Begin our drive home, stop to pick up lunch we ordered on the way and pay for food with a piece of plastic that is actually money! Go home, remotely open garage door, & unload all the days equipment. Plug the camera into cpu and upload all the pix and add them to our blogs and distribute to friends with a few clicks of our cordless mouse.
One interesting thing about all this is the fact that each family member has all their own equipment. Mady and Niki have mp3 players and cameras (though they rarely use their cameras) and we now have 2 computers. Judging from the way things are going, I do not believe it will be long before Mady has her own computer. We are all recording our own version of History. Makes you wonder a little about all those history books doesn't it?
Another thing, isn't it almost the worst day when some of your technology is down? I use my camera everyday. I am periodically cataloging everything we do. Am I personally going over the edge? I have to admit I do not do a very good job of catching everything I see on my camera the way I actually see it. When I look back @ the pictures I have taken they rarely appear as I recall. I tend to think it is bc my camera is too slow but it's highly possible I need to read more and take some classes to learn to take better pictures! But come on, there is only so much one can do with a point and click! If you have viewed the ol' Amazon wish list and saw Wish List Camera, and you know Dom, you would know how almost impossible it is to convince him to spend any chunk of money. He believes I take enough pix to warrant a better camera!
The kids and Pam and I visited a local ranch today where one lady, sort of a local historian, has kept and collected all sorts of pioneer farm equipment, and household furnishings/accessories and displays it in all of the ranches 10 or so log cabins/buildings. This family ranch was established in 1854 and is still growing. There is a home from each generation on the ranch, it is quite a progression worth seeing. The best part of all this is it is free once annually. What a generous family. Niki was extremely interested in all the old artifacts. She was actually able to touch some of the items from the pioneer time period dentist office and bank. While the boys napped the girls and Pam and I ate lunch @ a local cafe and headed back home to rest on the porch and swing.
Tomorrow's plans? Eat with the family @ Nenaws and Papaw's of course, what else do ya do on Sunday?
That ranch sounds cool! I love those kinds of things!
ITA about all the technology, crazy isn't it?! Although I've never surfed the net on a big screen tv, awesome!
I too have a camera that needs to be sent to Canon and refuses to do it itself,lol. It's my favorite camera and I've been reduced to using this horrible one for over a year. I really need to get my good one shipped, ASAP! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
I believe it is impossible to capture things exactly like they look with our eyes with most camera, b/c of 3-d depth perception, and lack of wide angle lenses - or something like that. Pictures are snapshots to remind us of the moment, not 3-d hologramic images we can re-enter. That would be cool though...but if we had tons of them, and we recorded our lives all the time, how often would we be recording ourselves reliving memories?
Yes, friends are electric. My laptop is how I keep up with you guys! My camera is attached to my eye/hand all the time. My cell phone is, well, left somewhere most of the time b/c I hate to have life interrupted by phone calls!
Yeah, the kids & I were amazed the one day when we were talking about electricity & we went around the house pointing out everything that uses it. It's quite a dependance we (as a family & as a society) have.
That pioneer ranch sounds awesome! I would have NO problem to going back to that style of life (though, I would probably miss the Internet). :-)
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