Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Upside Down

I love that song. It is the title song from the Curious George movie. I think it describes our lives and the mindset we (maybe mostly me) are attempting to maintain as we (I) go about our daily life.
Mady has had the opportunity to ride some world famous cutting horses the last couple of days. These horses have been trained so well, they will train an inexperienced rider to ride correctly. Amazing horses, intelligent, loving, beautiful. Mady has enjoyed riding immensely. She is looking forward to riding again today. She is easily completing the few "workbook" pages she needs to fill in each day and keeping up with all the 4H vet science work she wants to do. It stuns me that people would think that these simple workbook pages provide learning. We ordered the 5th grade national standards test for Mady to take around Christmas. I am amazed @ how simple it appears. The math...well, we all know by now arithmetic is only part of the math picture and logic is a much larger piece to that picture. She could use practice in the arithmetic section, lol! If people saw the vet science work she is required to do, they would certainly wonder why anyone would question if she is being educated.
I think the newspaper reading is making for some interesting conversation. We talked about GM last night. It was all over the paper. Of course the papers are great for leaving out the real details. Seems as though there is just enough there to make one want to dig for more information.
Today is Nenaw's birthday. We won't mention her age here, but let's just say, it's one of those ages that when you were little you thought was old! (She doesn't read the blog so I think it is safe to say that.) She is not old. We went over yesterday and decorated the house for dinner. Papaw cooked steak and potatoes on the grill and Niki and Mady and Ezra baked her cake while Luke napped. We purchased her a Nintendo DS with several games from all and flowers. We ate dinner outside. The weather was prefect. There was an occasional faint breeze through our tall oaks. So faint, in fact, no leaves fell from the trees when we felt it on our sleeveless arms. About the time the sun began to fade from the sky, we lit a fire in the pit. My parents and I and the girls reclined by the fire for a couple of hours after Dom took the boys home to rest. We spoke about everything from the eyeopening, yet disturbing movie "Bordertown" to hanging out @ our cabin this weekend. We spoke about Christmas and what not to do this year as well as what to do when our cousin Danielle comes down for 3 weeks! Everyone is excited about all the upcoming events.
Today, I think we will take a walk and look for some leaves for some Thanksgiving crafts. We stayed up late last night reading the newspaper, reading riddles (to improve our logic skills) and playing with some unconventional math and science experiments and tricks. I love that we can find things to make learning fun and interesting all the time.
Off to search for leaves I suppose.


Stephanie said...

Sometimes I get so confused with the whole thing -
I mean, on one hand, the children have hours of homework- even at age 7, now, I believe, and on the other, they have these practice sheets that ask the same questions over and over again, it just seems like tedous busy work to me, you know? What's the point?
If they understand it, they understand it (and why bore them with it), and if they don't, and want to, then obviously it needs to be explained/experienced in a different way.

Crazy, to me.
[shakes head]

Mel said...

Saw your Thanksgiving tree and remembered we had done one with Mady's 1st grade class. So we thought it might be fun to do another one on Thanksgiving with the entire family. That should make for fun reading!

It is all busy work. Who cannot see that? Like you said, if you know the work, you know the work. There is no reason to continue to beat a dead horse. On the other hand, if you don't know the work it needs to be explained in a different way.

Christa, Queen of the Blog said...

I agree with it all!

How cool Mady is getting to ride cutting horses. Although I never rode western, I do know what it is like to be on a well trained horse, they make all the difference in the world!