Wednesday, February 27, 2008

They Paved Paradise

We have returned from out trip to east Texas. We didn't get to stay too long but my dad did get somethings accomplished. Brother Bill and Pam hauled some of the lumber, I towed the camper and my dad pulled the equipment. The boys still haven't learned how to sleep in the camper...according to my dad they woke up every hour. I am not sure how many times they woke up, but I know Luke and Ezra did not sleep well.

On the way back from east Texas we had to drive through the Big D (Dallas.) The wind was blowing about 40 miles an hour and the people all drive 90 miles an hour, there was a dividing wall on one side of me and an 18 wheeler on the other. I remember asking myself why would we, people in general, want to pave over all the scenery and add millions of stores and pay people our hard earned money to do everything for us? I didn't grow up with a Grandma, not even one, some people have two! If I had, I know she would have taught me all kinds of things about "the way things used to be." I hope I can @ least teach my kids to appreciate the quiet world around them. The world we derive everything we truly need from. The world beyond the pavement. Notes about the pictures. There is a picture of what looks like grass in this group-there is a baby snake in it. Also, the boys are NOT playing with ants-it's just dirt. We brought some moss home to plant also. Pix of Papaw by a tree have a significance. We had to cut down one tree so we could build the cabin in just the right spot.


Tanya Breese said...

Awesome pictures! Sounds like a wonderful trip and the boys look adorable as "Bob the Builders" lol. Are you going to live full time in this cabin or is it a vacation home? Either way, I'm jealous!
I hate when I get stuck next to one of those dividers on the freeway, espcially with a big truck next to me. I get so nervous! I'd much rather drive down an old country road than a crowded interstate any day!

KMDuff said...

Looks beautiful, looks lovely, what a fun adventure. Sorry you got to drive thru crazy Dallas traffic!