Hi! I have not posted in almost 2 weeks. Things are a bit harry here. We have had some snow...some ringworm...some cleaning the house like a mad woman...some field trips...some trying to locate more local friends for the kids...and just general crazy days. We have made it to a few outings with friends and we have a new family member-Frankie the Anole lizard! Mady gave him to me on her birthday! Wasn't that sweet of her to get me a present on her birthday?
I secretly, ok not so secretly now, want a ferret some day when the kids are bigger. I think it would be a good pet for me around the time the boys are about 4. It seems like every time the kids out grown that baby phase, I think I would like to have more kids! I am fairly certain I don't want to have any more children. I am absolutely certain Dom doesn't want any more kiddo's!
I will post some pictures of the snow and the field trips and the lizard tomorrow. I am so tired. I do have plenty to post about. Mady has said she wants to return to PS next year...I hope she will come to my, I mean, her senses before the end of August rolls around. Good night.
Congrats on your new family member, hee hee! You totally should get a ferrit, they are so cute!
I don't think there will ever come a time when I think I don't want more kids, although my dh is totally done like your dh. Especially now that my babies are in school, I think I'd like another one (just for company,lol)
Enjoy your weekend!
Thanks for reading. I think I want one. I saw a picture of one on a leash...I got to thinking they couldn't be much more trouble than a cat...tonight I will post pix of all the little rascals. I think I may have to wait a bit to get a ferret until we are less one dog. I am having issues, not much unlike yourself with a pet we recently aquired. He was so cute and sweet I couldn't say no but he has ripped the threshold off our back door with his little doggie claws! He is so cute but if he continues to be destructive he will have to go. I have never had a dog that did anything besides chew some shoes so I never imagined this would be a problem and now that it is, I personally don't have the time or energy to correct the behavior. I feel he just needs more attention maybe an older person with lots of time.
You have a good weekend too chic!
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