Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Nikki FM

Have you heard this song? Dom played it for me tonight. It struck me immediately that the song reminded me of our Niki in the sense that it seemed filled with drama to me-everything is either a hilarious comedy or a serious tragedy, just black or white no room for grey. Love ya chicy Niki. Niki Mouse.


RoniJoy said...

Love all the pictures of Niki!!!
I love her expressions!

I just found the song on YouTube. Cool song.

Chrispy said...

Beautiful pictures, beautiful Niki!

KMDuff said...

I haven't heard the song before. What fun pictures of Niki. :)

Christa, Queen of the Blog said...

Great pictures, Kenzie enjoyed the one of Niki in her "Niki Dress"!